ICSB Argentina, an affiliated center of ICSB, has announced their 23rd Annual Meeting to be held in Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata, Mar del Plata, Argentina. The theme is “New productive models: The role of SMEs as motors of economic and social development”.
The main objective of the Annual Meeting of the Mercosur SMEs Network is to stimulate and promote a space for exchange, debate, information and construction of knowledge in the field of Administration and Economics. The scope of the Meeting has traditionally been a great opportunity for academics, businessmen, policy makers, support agents and other actors in the business ecosystem to come together and reflect on shared experiences.
This will be the 23rd edition of the Meeting and the second occasion in which it will be held in the city of Mar del Plata, as in 1999. This meeting, as in previous years, will have a full agenda that includes:
- World-class academic speakers and experts from different areas of business activity.
- Works presented by thematic axes and focused on SMEs.
- Presentation of posters.
More info: Click here