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ICSB Celebrates the Anniversary of MSMEs Day Resolution

ICSB Celebrates the Anniversary of MSMEs Day Resolution

Dr. Ayman Tarabishy, discussed the need for creating 40 million jobs yearly in the next 15 years and how to achieve this goal through humane entrepreneurship.

06 April 2018, Seoul, South Korea -One year ago, the United Nations General Assembly adopted a resolution recognizing the crucial role Micro-, Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (MSMEs) play in achieving the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

MSME Day Ayman


With support from ICSB, the Permanent Mission of Argentina to the UN authored the resolution that was presented to and negotiated with all UN member states. The resolution was co-sponsored by 54 member states, representing over 5 billion people.

The resolution (A/RES/71/279) designates June 27 as “Micro-, Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises Day”.  MSMEs account for a significant share of employment and GDP around the world. The launch of the successful MSMEs International Day was a powerful reinforcement of their global impact. Since the adoption of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, all countries have been working for its implementation, which requires to ensure that every actor can contribute in the best possible way.


To celebrate the anniversary of the passage of the resolution, members of the ICSB Board partook in the “Humane Entrepreneurship and Innovation-driven Growth of SMEs International Forum” in Seoul, South Korea. Incoming President, Dr. Geralyn Franklin, spoke about the global impact of women and Executive Director, Dr. Ayman Tarabishy, discussed the need for creating 40 million jobs yearly in the next 15 years and how to achieve this goal through humane entrepreneurship. Finally, Argentinian Ambassador to the United Nations, Martin Garcia Moritan, spoke on how MSMEs have the potential to make a long-lasting positive impact on the world’s development needs and joined Korea in celebrating MSMEs on April 6th, the anniversary of the resolution


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This is ICSB MSMEs Support to help companies with content on the website. Also, we will showcase the best of MSMEs on our website.
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