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ICSB in Support of the Youth Employment Barometer

ICSB proudly supports the Youth Employment Barometer, a global initiative led by ILO, ITCILO, MICROSOFT, AIESEC, UNDESA, and UNICEF under the UN’s Our Common Agenda. This survey tr...

Advancing Humanity through Entrepreneurship: the R...

Inmates face significant challenges finding employment upon release, contributing to high recidivism rates—up to 50% in ...

What are the critical success factors for small fa...

In Zambia, small farming businesses are crucial for food security, employment, and rural development, yet they face chal...
A Growth Model for Understanding...
The findings of this study revealed that one of the greatest challenges faced by female-owned enterp...
JSBM Research Open Access: Entrepreneurs...
Entrepreneurial grit, marked by passion and perseverance, is linked to higher venture performance. T...
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Understanding COVID-19: A Behavioral Corporate...
Our research over the past 15+ years has focused on behavioral CSR, which involves investigating CSR...
Italy 2019 Global Entrepreneurship Conference
At the meeting, speakers discussed how technological innovation and the application of digital techn...
ICSB Expert-Admin
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Journal of International Council for Small Business

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Journal of Small Business Management

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