Rethinking the Entrepreneurial University and all that Jazz: The Campus Radio, Edutainment, and Youth Development 

Monday, January 11, 2021 Dr. Nnamdi O. Madichie

Rethinking the Entrepreneurial University and all that Jazz: The Campus Radio, Edutainment, and Youth Development 

Monday, January 11, 2021

In putting this opinion piece together, I would like to start with an important question. 

How can universities demonstrate entrepreneurialism beyond the usual suspects? 

What are these usual suspects? Commercialisation of research? Navigating uncharted waters? And relevant to the current pandemic climate – is all about developing a vaccine and providing scientific advice? 

No disrespect to the good job of global players providing intelligence on vaccines and communicating numbers on the “R” rates – John Hopkins University, Imperial College, and Oxford University, to name just a few. While universities play a big role in saving lives, there is also the need for preserving livelihoods. 

As a social scientist, my interest in this article takes a slightly different perspective that hinges upon the humane entrepreneurship narrative and the 4Es empathy, equity, enablement and empowerment that have been at the core of the ICSB – especially concerns over enabling and empowering the youth with a view to serving the full social purpose of universities. (Read more…).

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