Dates of Hotel Stay: June 7-11, 2019
Dates of Certificate Program: June 8-10, 2019
Click here to register:
Description of Modules:
Module One: Introduction to Global Social Entrepreneurship
This module compares social entrepreneurship with traditional entrepreneurship, outlines the basic concepts of social entrepreneurship and summarizes social entrepreneurship concepts. An overview of new organizational options for social ventures and understanding how for-profit ventures can accomplish social good.
Module Two: Global Challenges and the UN Sustainable Development Goals
This module examines the major components of sustainable development. It looks at the topic of Micro, Small & Medium-size Enterprises, and the positive effect it can have on world economies, and the challenges for these MSME’s are explored in detail.
Module Three: Innovation and Opportunity Recognition for Social Enterprises
This module brings up the topics of innovation and creativity and how these are applied in social enterprises. The process of moving from problems to a solution, with empathy, and the process of moving from solution to problems, with effectuation, is explored in depth. This module discusses the diffusion of innovation and social change and why innovation often does not get adopted.
Please view a sample of an online segment: (click here for sample segment).
ICSB Global Certificate in Innovation & Creativity:
Module One: Think like an artist: Creativity for the Design of effective products and service
The objective of this module is to present an actionable approach to the design of “beautiful” products and services. Why beauty? Because of recent and breakthrough findings in Cognitive science about how the mind perceives complexity to show that the pursuit of beauty is the way our brain understand the world and make decisions opting for the most elegant solution. In this module, we will use visual art and neuroscience to show how artists achieve elegance and translate this into a set of eight strategies that can be used to improve the design and enhance creativity.
Module Two: Creativity and Design thinking: how to design effective Organizations
A visual, design thinking approach is applied in this module to the design of effective organizations as well. A new venture is an organization formed to search for a repeatable and scalable business model. Using visual tools to design and simulate business models, in this workshop participants will learn how visual thinking and simplicity can help in the design of lean as well as effective ventures:
Module Three: Where do good ideas come from?
This module will present a review of the most well-known theories about sources of innovation: where do good ideas come from? Can innovation be designed? Which are the characteristics of highly innovative systems and how can we replicate them and apply to our business idea? Theories will be presented through successful cases and examples from the real world based on 4 types of innovation sources.