The Small Business Gazette

Can You Afford Your Disease? How the Presidential Election will Determine the Future of the Free Market

Can You Afford Your Disease? How the Presidential Election will Determine the Future of the Free Market

For 68% of American voters, the cost of healthcare, including pharmaceutical drugs, was an important facet in determining whether they would vote for President Trump or Former Vice President Joe Biden.[1]  In fact, many Americans have stated they are willing to pay higher taxes and forgo new drug developments if it meant a decrease in prescription drug costs.

Evoking Ecosystems: As Nature Intended

Evoking Ecosystems: As Nature Intended

There is essentially no framework, which we can construct, that can truly describe a “framework” for ecosystems because an ecosystem’s success is typically based on its ability to capture the least common denominators of a community, or the groups typically left out of the discussion.

Answering key questions around informality in micro and small enterprises during the COVID-19 crisis

Answering key questions around informality in micro and small enterprises during the COVID-19 crisis

Understanding how informal enterprises are affected by the Covid-19 crisis is of central importance for identifying effective responses and designing support strategies that can encounter the socioeconomic impacts of the global pandemic.This document provides answers to a set of questions that address, for example, how governments and other actors can effectively reach out to informal economic units, the kind of support that is needed and what might be effective ways to reduce the risk of informalization of formal jobs and economic units.





The Journal of the International Council for Small Business (JICSB) will publish a special issue titled “Entrepreneurship for Humanity & Peace” The ICSB World Congress will be held in Gwangju, South Korea, July 9-14, 2023. Therefore, we decided to provide our ICSB community with this enhanced opportunity to submit to the World Congress and receive feedback from the JICSB editors before being considered for publication in JICSB.

Human-Centered versus People-Centered

Human-Centered versus People-Centered

People-centered approaches tend to prioritize the needs and concerns of specific groups or communities, while human-centered approaches prioritize all individuals’ fundamental needs and values. While both approaches have benefits and drawbacks, it is essential to understand the distinctions to determine which method is appropriate for a given situation.

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